How great it is to be back here.

Okay so I went to watch The Covenant today with DC.

We arranged to meet at 11.30, but then, she came late. TEN FREAKING MINUTES LATE. But it`s alright, it`s only ten minutes, so I`ll be gentleman enough to let that pass. LOL.

Yeaaa and we bought tix for the 2.10 show. Spent 2 hours plus walking in cwp, imagine how boring that is, please. Because it`s not like cwp is interesting enough. Duh. Thankfully we`ve got topics to talk about, to erase the boringness awayyy. Oh, the beauty of having a GREAT companion!

Saw JiaYu also, she didnt seem to recognise us at first. Just smiled.

Yeaaa so the movie was kinda nice, a tad confusing. But the male lead is handsome. After that walked ard a lil more and sent DC to the interchange to wait for her bus and went to the arcade after that. Actually, DC not bad right. Hmmmmmm.

Doncha people agree Tay Ping Hui is hot? And no, Im not homo, just admiring his physique.


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